Bug Off Garlic Chewables for Dogs
Celebrating more than 27 years of natural bug protection!
Springtime Bug Off Garlic Chewables for Dogs is a safe, natural, flea and tick deterrent. Liver-flavored Bug Off Garlic Chewable tablets are convenient and easy-to-give dog supplements. Bug Off Garlic Chewables provide a 24-hour shield against fleas, ticks, flies, mosquitoes, and more.

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• A safe alternative to harsh chemical products
• One of the world's most powerful antioxidants
• Promotes friendly bacteria in the digestive tract
• Great source of dietary sulfur, including MSM
• Supports a healthy immune system
• Check out Bug Off Garlic Granules for an economical granule formulation
Product Summary
Veterinarians versed in natural alternatives use garlic in their private practices throughout the world. Although best known for its health protective properties, garlic has been used for centuries as an insect deterrent. Springtime's air-dried garlic takes that benefit to a new level and is far safer than many chemical products. You may use this garlic supplement for dogs with total confidence.
For many more offerings, we encourage you to take the opportunity to go through our full variety of natural dog supplements at Springtime Supplements now.
Real Letters

"...Wally was completely tick-free..."
Dear Springtime,
I started giving my dog, Wally, Bug Off Garlic Chewables earlier this spring before ticks became an issue. Wally goes everywhere with me. We go on daily trail walks and hikes in areas infested with ticks. I'd previously been using Frontline Plus on him, but it wasn't lasting the 30 days it was supposed to. My vet said in order for it to work well on Wally I'd need to apply a treatment once every two weeks! This simply was not going to work, so I began looking for alternative ways to keep Wally flea and tick free year round. I'm so glad I found Springtime, and since starting Bug Off Garlic Chewables Wally hasn't had any ticks!
As further proof of how well Bug Off Garlic Chewables works, I recently took Wally and my father's two dogs (a Lab and a Yorkie) out for a hike in the woods. Wally gets 6 Bug Off Garlic Chewables a day. The Lab is on Frontline Plus and wears a Scalibor flea & tick collar, and the Yorkie only gets Frontline Plus treatments. Guess which dog had absolutely no ticks when we got home? That's right, Wally was completely tick-free, while both of my dad's dogs had numerous ticks on them. Thanks again for such a great product!
Jessie Green, Maine

Joy herding the sheep of Hado-Bar Farm.
"Both the dogs and the sheep LOVE their Bug Off Garlic!"
Dear Springtime,
I began giving the Bug Off Garlic products to my dogs (a Border Collie named Joy, an Australian Shepherd named Dixie, and a Whippet named Zoom Zoom) and to my flock of sheep in March of this year (2016). I feed the dogs the Bug Off Garlic Chewables (mixed in their feed each morning) and mix the Bug Off Garlic with the mineral salt ration that the sheep receive two or three times each week. Both the dogs and the sheep LOVE their Bug Off Garlic!
Then, I ran out of the granules about a month ago. I'm a Stockdog (Herding) Trainer and my sheep (73 of them – mostly Barbados Blackbelly hair sheep) are used for training and herding events here at the farm. As a result, the sheep spend a considerable amount of time out of the barn during the "buggiest" time of day. I noticed the sheep were "dancing" and running around with their heads down to avoid pests. They needed their Bug Off Garlic --- AND SOON! My order arrived today (28 June). The sheep practically inhaled their mineral salt "laced" with Bug Off Garlic this afternoon! Hopefully, they'll be "bug-proof" again, soon!
Judith Bigham, Ohio
Hado-Bar Farm

No More Harsh Chemical Flea & Tick Treatments!
No More Harsh Chemical Flea & Tick Treatments!
Dear Springtime,
Our family has been using Springtime products for over 20 years, and we keep coming back for more. We swear by the Bug Off Garlic Chewables. They have allowed us to completely move away from harsh chemical flea and tick treatments. We have five dogs in our home, and we haven't had a flea or tick issue. I think my son and I are the only ones who have had a tick on us! Perhaps we should take Bug Off Garlic Chewables, too! We keep trying to get our family and friends to give the pills a try. So many people have been brainwashed into thinking they need to treat their dogs with chemicals to have success, and it's simply not true.
So I am writing to say thanks! Your products have allowed our dogs to live longer, healthier, happier lives and for that we are grateful!
Amber Verbeke, Kansas

Fancy and her bottle of Bug Off Garlic.
"…flea and tick free…"
Dear Springtime,
Fancy, our 8 year old Yorkie, suffered from flea bites that left her skin raw and bleeding despite everything we tried. Usual flea control methods such as collars and drops produced problems – and didn't seem to bother the fleas.
Then a year ago, Bug Off Garlic Chewables caught our eye in an advertisement. Skeptical, I said, "Probably bogus. But the price is reasonable; let's try it. Nothing else works."
In the year since, no fleas, no scratching, no raw skin. The only side effect is, Fancy's breath can knock a buzzard off of a brick outhouse for a few minutes after her nightly dose of Bug Off Garlic Chewables. Thank you, Springtime!
Peter, Marilyn and "Fancy" Van Auken, California