Spirulina Wafers for Horses
A raw blue-green microalgae to help maintain the body's immune, circulatory, and detoxifying systems. Spirulina for horses offers great support for normal, healthy allergy response.
Supports a healthy immune system, normal detoxification process and enhances support for a healthy allergy response.

- Product Highlights
- Directions
- Ingredients
- Studies/Etc.
• Supports healthy liver & kidney in their detoxifying & restorative functions
• Helps maintain proper immune system function
• Helps support the body's natural healing process
Product Summary
Spirulina for horses is a deceptively simple ingredient containing complex and powerful live enzymes and a wide spectrum of other factors. By assisting multiple metabolic functions, this natural horse supplement helps maintain a brilliant natural bloom. Live enzymes provide superior results compared to lab-made products. Spirulina is ideal for performance, breeding, high-stress situations or even equine allergies that can lead to horse cough.
For even more options, we encourage you to take some time to look through our full assortment of natural horse supplements at Springtime Supplements today.
Directions for Use: Daily Maintenance: Administer at least one wafer per 100 lb body weight (example: ten wafers per 1,000 lb horse). Recommended: For best results, start with a few wafers for the first few days and gradually increase to suggested amount. Amount may be doubled or tripled for performance, breeding, or high stress situations.
Active Ingredients per wafer (2.45 g): | |
Spirulina (Arthrospira platensis) | 1,750 mg |
Inactive ingredients: Dextrose and stearic acid. | |
Cautions: If animal's condition worsens or does not improve, stop product administration and consult your veterinarian. Safe use in pregnant animals or animals intended for breeding has not been proven. An examination from a veterinarian is recommended prior to using this product. |
Spirulina - Science Behind the Ingredient
Spirulina is used in Spirulina Wafers for Horses, Longevity for Dogs, and Spirulina Tablets for People.
Related Websites & Selected Studies Found on Each
Hirahashi T et al. Activation of the human innate immune system by Spirulina: augmentation of interferon production and NK cytoxity by oral administration of hot water extract of Spirulina platensis. Int Immunopharmacol 2002;2:423-34.
Dasgupta T et al. Chemomodulation of carcinogen metabolising enzymes, antioxidant profiles and skin and forestomach papillomagenesis by Spirulina platensis. Mol Cell Biochem 2001;226:27-38.
Zhang HQ et al. Chemo- and radio-protective effects of polysaccharide of Spirulina platensis on hemopoietic system of mice and dogs. Acta Pharmacol Sin 2001;22:1121-4.
Jensen GS, Ginsberg DI, Drapeau C. Blue-green algae as an immuno-enhancer and biomodulator. J Amer Nutraceut Assoc 2001; 3(4):24-30.
Mani UV, Desai S, Iyer U. Studies on the long-term effect of spirulina supplementation on serum lipid profile and glycated proteins in NIDDM patients. J Nutraceut 2000;(3):25-32.
Romay C, Armesto J, Remirez D, et al. Antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties of C-phycocyanin from blue-green algae. Inflamm Res 1998;47(1):36-41.
Yang, HN, Lee EH, Kim HM. Spirulina platensis inhibits anaphylactic reaction. Life Sci 1997;61(13):1237-1244.
Draisci R, et al. Identification of anatoxins in blue-green algae food supplements using liquid chromatographytandem mass spectrometry. Food Addit contam 2001;18:525-31.
Premkumar K. et al. Effect of Spirulina fusiformis on cyclopho-phamide and mitomycin-C induced genotoxicity and oxidative stress in mice. Fitoerapi 2001;72:906-11.
Annapurna, V. Bioavailability of spirulina carotenes in preschool children. 1991. National Institute of Nutrition, Hyderabad, India. J. Clin. Biochem Nutrition. 10 145-151.Seshadri, CV. Large scale nutritional supplementation with spirulina alga. 1993. All India Coordinated Project on Spirulina. Shri AMM Murugappa Chettier Research Center (MCRC).
Kato, T., K. Takemoto. Effects of spirulina on hypercholesterolemia and fatty liver in rats. 1984. Saitama Medical College. Japan Nutr. Foods Assoc. Journal. 37:323.
Gorban EM, Orynchak MA, Virstiuk NG, Kuprash LP, Panteleimonov TM, Sharabura LB. [Clinical and experimental study of spirulina efficacy in chronic liver diseases.] lik Sprava. 2000(6):89-83.
Hayashi K, Hayashi T, Kojima I. A natural sulfated polysaccharide, calcium spirulan, isolated from Spirulina platensis: in vitro and ex vivo evaluation of anti-herpes simplex virus and anti-human immunodeficiency virus activities. AIDS Res Hum Retroviruses. 1996;12:1463-1471.
Kapoor R, Mehtu U. Iron status and growth of rats fed different dietary iron sources. Plan Foods Hum Nutr. 1993;44(1):29-34.
Kim HM, Lee EH, Cho HH, Moon YH. Inhibitory effect of mast cell-mediated immediate-type allergic reactions in rats by spirulina. Biochem Pharmacol. 1998;55(7):1071-1076.
Torres-Duran PV, Miranda-Zamora R, Paredes-Carbajal MC, Mascher D, Ble-Castillo J, Diaz-Zagoya JC, Juarez Oropeza MA. Studies on the preventative effect of Spirulina maxima on fatty liver development induced by carbon tetrachloride, in the rat. J Ethnopharmacol. 1999;64(2):141-147.
Real Letters

A big relief for Kit Kat & Naomi!
"…much relieved"
Dear Springtime,
My 28 year-old registered Paint mare, Kit Kat, has had horrible allergies to the midges and gnats here, and scratches all the time. I am very happy with the Spirulina Wafers, as Kit Kat is much relieved, and her skin is not soft and silky. I am placing a second order today – thanks again!
Naomi Offner, Washington

Ace’s Transformation: Before.

Ace’s Transformation: After.
Spirulina Wafers has helped Ace manage a healthy weight.
Dear Springtime,
#TransformationTuesday! Ace has come a long way now that we have learned to manage his health challenges. The skinny photo is when he was at his worst weight-wise in June 2016. The great photo was taken on Sunday (April 2017).
Thank you to all the many knowledgeable friends, veterinarians and supplement companies for helping out Ace, including Springtime for affordable Spirulina Wafers.
Also, a huge thanks to Kyle Bray for allowing our funds to be spent saving horses and cats because he loves them just as much as I do.
Jennifer Bray, Colorado

Midge Allergy Solved!
No Hair Loss from Midge Allergy!
Dear Springtime, I am reordering Spirulina Wafers for my horse to help maintain her allergies. She had lots more hair on her after being on it all summer. Usually she is missing large areas of hair. The real surprise has been the barn cats. They will stop eating kibble to beg for a piece of spirulina wafer. :) Jackie Bohler, Georgia

Before Spirulina Wafers

Clint now has a glossy coat
No More Hives!
Dear Springtime,
I have a 15 year old Quarter Horse named Clint that was eaten up with hives, and had been experiencing trouble managing his skin health. A year after trying everything and then turning to Spirulina Wafers, the vet was impressed with Clint's gorgeous coat, and the fact that he was so happy and healthy.
Teri Mascola, California

Travis looking good for 23!

Lauren and her Morgan pony.
"…decrease in coughing within a month."
Dear Springtime,
I just wanted to tell you that we have a 23 year old Quarter Horse gelding named Travis. I read about Spirulina Wafers in the Horse Journal and decided to try them to support his respiratory health. We noticed it supported his normal respiratory function within a month. It has been six months on the wafers and he hardly ever has any problems. I also have a 22 year old Morgan pony and a 16 year old Thoroughbred. I put them on the Spirulina Wafers also. I am very happy with the results.
I have attached a photo of my daughter, Lauren Walker, with her Morgan pony. This pony started coughing in the summer of 2009. After trying many things, I decided she was going on the Spirulina Wafers too. So far she is maintaining healthy breathing, and she has been on the Spirulina Wafers for three months.
Rhonda Walker, Pennsylvania