"…LOVE Springtime!"
Dear Springtime,
LOVE, LOVE, LOVE Springtime! We use many of your supplements for dogs and cats. Bug Off Garlic Chewables… FABULOUS! Our dogs think the Bully Sticks, Sweet Potato Pieces, and Beef Tendons are WONDERFUL! Great prices, packaging, and shipping, and customer service is great – very knowledgeable and helpful.
I'm hoping this picture will work. What a challenge getting everyone together with four Collies (three with special needs). Left to Right: Laddie, Jill, Ellen and Trajan. Laddie and Jill are deaf and visually impaired. Ellen is deaf and totally blind. They were all born this way. I have been involved with special needs dogs, particularly Collies, for over 15 years. The Tri, Trajan, is a goofy, "normal" Collie boy.
Again, thank you. I think Springtime is one of the BEST companies I have entrusted for products for my pets.
Iva Rahlf, South Dakota