"... no more coughing."
Dear Springtime,
I love your products, the last one I purchased was the breathe aid [Breather Powder]. Thank you so much it worked great. My stallion would cough all winter long 3 weeks on this product and no more coughing [...]
God Bless you and yours always,

" ... these 2 products have made his coughing stop almost completely"
Dear Springtime,
I just wanted to say "Thank You" for making such great products. I have a draft cross "Tuff" that developed a cough in the late fall/winter time. I started him on the Bee Pollen twice a day and am so happy that he only now coughs occasionally and has no discharge either. I also have incorporated the Breather Powder in his grain ration once a day and believe that these 2 products have made his coughing stop almost completely [...] Anyway - love all your products. Keep up the great work.
Debby, Vermont

"…she has not bled again."
Dear Springtime,
I have been a loyal customer for the past three years after discovering Breather Powder. I thoroughly believe it has done nothing but help my now 22 year old barrel racing mare named "The Right Signal" aka Dallas. After competing one night several years ago, I noticed that there was a small trickle of blood from one side of her nostril. She had been making good runs, but was not firing the way she normally did. So after discussing the options, we decided to put her on Breather Powder, which was recommended to us by someone else who had success with it. We chose Breather Powder because of it being an all natural herbal product. I am happy to say that in three years of competing consistently, she has maintain healthy respiratory function. I would recommend this product to anyone that was in a similar situation. I just wanted to share my story. Thank you for your time and a great product.
Kaci Kizer, Arkansas
Photo courtesy of Fessler Photography

"...more energetic, breathes very well..."
Dear Springtime,
I have been using Breather Powder on my 23 year old Tennessee Walker for over a year now with fantastic results for his heaves. Two weeks after I started using this product, Chance was able to breathe so much better than he had in years. I spent thousands of dollars on medications that would work for a couple weeks but as soon as the heat hit they stopped working. Breather Powder has made it easier for Chance to breathe even in 100+ degree weather. I am grateful to you for making such an inexpensive product that really works for horses with heaves. I thank you and Chance thanks you.
Here are a couple pictures of Chance. I also have him on Spirulina Wafers which I crush and add to his feed. He developed a chronic nasal discharge, and was put on antibiotic after antibiotic. But, as soon as he stopped them, the discharge would come back. After reading some of the letters from horse owners that use this product I decided to add Spirulina Wafers crushed in Chance's feed. The nasal discharge started to become less and less. He still has a slight nasal discharge but not at all like he did. Since putting him on the combination of Breather Powder and Spirulina Wafers he has become more energetic, breathes very well and is starting to gain his weight back.
I also use Spirulina Wafers for one of my old dogs that has breathing difficulties and they have helped her tremendously. Your products are great. Thank you for making such wonderful products and giving me my favorite horse back.
Thank you,
Glenna Tompkins, Virginia

Seasonal Allergies
Dear Springtime,
I am writing to tell you how pleased I am with both your DMG 5,600 and your Breather Powder. My 14 year old gelding, Sargeant, has severe allergies and was diagnosed with breathing issues a couple of years ago. I started him on DMG 5,600 on the recommendation of a friend, and it did wonders for him. We were finally able to compete in all the local hunter paces and were in the ribbons every time. I started him on Breather Powder last fall when his seasonal allergies kicked in and he was much more comfortable on our long rides. I made the mistake of taking him off both supplements a couple of months ago, figuring that his breathing would be better in the cold winter air, and, guess what, within a month he was in distress and diagnosed with breathing issues brought on by the allergies. He is back on both the DMG 5,600 and Breather Powder, his breathing has improved, and we're gearing up for the spring season. I learned my lesson and Sargeant will be on both supplements from here on out! Thank you for your great products.
Kelley Kelley, New York

"…she can finally breathe."
Dear Springtime,
The Breather Powder has improved my horse's life. She is a 17 year old Quarter Horse named Nugget. We have been battling heaves (respiratory issues) for six or seven years. She was on inhalers for a long time and they started getting very expensive and not working for her. At one point, I thought that there was no hope for her, until we found your product. She has been on Breather Powder for almost a year and she can finally breathe normally. I am riding her five days a week now and am not having to use inhalers. Usually she has problems breathing in the spring, but not this year. Thank you for helping my horse maintain normal respiratory function. Nugget and I can't say thank you enough.
Jennifer Gillies, Vermont

Breather Powder: Seasonal Allergies – Stopped Coughing
Dear Springtime,
My 11 year old Hanoverian mare, Saniba, (my new horse) gets seasonal allergies starting in October that run throughout the winter months. I have tried every product imaginable. I recently received a 10 oz Breather Powder from Springtime and started putting it in her food, and the results were immediate. In only two days, she was able to return to normal respiratory function. I plan on keeping her on this for the duration of the upcoming winter months.
Lynn Schriver, Maryland
P.S. My older Lab is doing great on Joint Health Chewables.

"…within three weeks she was not struggling to breathe!"
Dear Springtime,
My horse, Ginger, was having such a difficult time breathing. She was on two doses of medication per day and then I had to give her another medication for three days to help her breathe. Well, I started her on Breather Powder and within three weeks she was not struggling to breathe! Your product seems to work better than the expensive prescriptions! Thank you so much for helping my horse!
Kim Connery, New Jersey
Cut distressed respiration in half
Dear Springtime,
I want to tell you that my 28 year old, mostly Quarter Horse/Palomino gelding, named Hesta, who developed asthma/COPD about five years ago, seems to be doing quite well on Breather Powder We have had temperatures this week 110 to 115 degrees, and he has not been terribly distressed as he has in past years. In fact, his respiration rate during the bad times has not gotten above 35 bpm, when it has been as high as 65-70 before. The only change is the Breather Powder unless he has decided to get rid of the condition as quickly as he acquired it.
Anne Henderson, Alabama
"I consider it a life saver." – Heaves
Dear Springtime,
Last year due to the drought, heat and dusty conditions in our part of the country, my favorite horse, a 19 year old Tennessee Walking Horse mare, Oprah, developed a severe case of heaves (respiratory issues). We tried every remedy we could find – to no avail. She continued to cough and heave. It broke my heart because she was the best horse we have ever owned. She is loved, ridden and shown by many children as well as adults. She could do anything. In February, I received one of your catalogs and decided to try the Breather Powder. I used it along with some other options for about a month. Her respiratory issues eased. I brought it to my husband's attention. He thought it was a combination of everything that helped, so we stopped giving her anything but the Breather Powder >. She never had a relapse until I ran out. I quickly ordered it again and put her back on it. You would never know she had any respiratory problems. I consider it a life saver. Thank you so much for your products. I have told all my friends and believe in your products.
Thank you again,
Darlene Brown, Ohio

"…really helped him to breathe better."
Dear Springtime,
I want to thank you for making Breather Powder and Spirulina Wafers. They helped my horse Chance get a few more years of easier breathing from his heaves. Unfortunately, he lost his battle with heaves Monday, July 18, 2011. If it had not been for the wonderful products your company has I don't think I would have had him these last few years. When I started him on your products we hoped they would help and thankfully they did. Nothing we had tried was helping but your products really helped him to breathe better.
Breather Powder and Spirulina Wafers not only helped Chance live a more comfortable life the past couple of years, but it also gave me my horse back so we could ride the trails together again. He loved the trails and we were able to ride them together up until spring of this year. We only did 1/2 hour to 45 minute rides, but he loved them.
I also want to say that your Fresh Factors and Joint Health Chewables (the Combo) for dogs have helped tremendously with our 14 year old dog, Tequila. They have really made her more mobile and alert.
Attached are some pictures of Chance, these were taken a couple weeks before he passed. He is under his favorite apple tree waiting for the apples to fall. And the picture of the dog is Tequila with her favorite buddy, our rooster, Cheekon. Tequila and Cheekon sleep together in her dog house, eat next to each other and drink out of the same water dish. Odd couple, but they seem to make it work.
Thank you from Chance and my family for helping him stay around a little bit longer.
Glenna Tompkins, Virginia