Spirulina Wafers has helped Ace manage a healthy weight.
Dear Springtime,
#TransformationTuesday! Ace has come a long way now that we have learned to manage his health challenges. The skinny photo is when he was at his worst weight-wise in June 2016. The great photo was taken on Sunday (April 2017).
Thank you to all the many knowledgeable friends, veterinarians and supplement companies for helping out Ace, including Springtime for affordable Spirulina Wafers.
Also, a huge thanks to Kyle Bray for allowing our funds to be spent saving horses and cats because he loves them just as much as I do.
Jennifer Bray, Colorado

"…much relieved"
Dear Springtime,
My 28 year-old registered Paint mare, Kit Kat, has had horrible allergies to the midges and gnats here, and scratches all the time. I am very happy with the Spirulina Wafers, as Kit Kat is much relieved, and her skin is not soft and silky. I am placing a second order today – thanks again!
Naomi Offner, Washington

Just what the Doc ordered!
Dear Springtime,
This is Doc. He is a 10 year old Mustang. When I purchased/rescued him from an agent, he was abandoned at a boarding facility. He was a dark grey and dingy color. His right shoulder clicked when he walked and he moved in chunky motions. Last spring he had a bought of colic as well.
As a longtime customer of Springtime products for dogs and people, I decided to give it a try for this boy. I started him on Spirulina Wafers and Joint Health Wafers, adding more to the number during the cold months.
We are at almost 9 months of using both products and we are sold. (You can see his fluid movements and thankfully we now can't hear his cracking joints.) You can see his coloring - in the middle of winter! His teeth look awesome and the farrier can't say enough about the change in his hooves. Thanks for providing healthy options for horses.
Carol Crane, Utah

No Hair Loss from Midge Allergy!
Dear Springtime, I am reordering Spirulina Wafers for my horse to help maintain her allergies. She had lots more hair on her after being on it all summer. Usually she is missing large areas of hair. The real surprise has been the barn cats. They will stop eating kibble to beg for a piece of spirulina wafer. :) Jackie Bohler, Georgia

"...allergic reactions stopped…"
Dear Springtime,
Your Spirulina Wafers worked wonders on my Oldenburg, Zach. His allergies made it impossible to ride him, with the snorting and flinging of his head due to his runny nose. Within a week of taking Spirulina Wafers, his allergic reactions stopped, so I kept him on it until the time when his allergens stop (around mid-July).
Thanks for your help!
Karen Sanz, Wyoming

No More Hives!
Dear Springtime,
I have a 15 year old Quarter Horse named Clint that was eaten up with hives, and had been experiencing trouble managing his skin health. A year after trying everything and then turning to Spirulina Wafers, the vet was impressed with Clint's gorgeous coat, and the fact that he was so happy and healthy.
Teri Mascola, California

"...never got even one hive..."
Dear Springtime,
I have had this fabulous horse named QT at my barn for about three years. Each year his owner has to have a vet visit in the fall for QT's hives and other symptoms. It is a costly, yearly expense. This year she finally let me try Spirulina Wafers on him. We started QT on the Spirulina Wafers about 1 ½ months before he is usually stricken. This horse never got even one hive and made it through his bad season beautifully.
I am looking forward to trying Spirulina Wafers on my new gelding in late spring for issues he had with flies and swelling last summer. We love your Bug Off Garlic as well because it keeps the fly and tick population down!
A VERY satisfied customer,
Mary Ellen Wettemann, Connecticut

"I was told the horse should not have survived the amount of infection associated with his injury..."
Dear Springtime,
My biggest story to you is a rescue horse that we acquired on 7/29/05. Apollo is a 14 year old Thoroughbred that had stepped on a nail while out in a pasture. Days went by before anyone noticed that his right hind leg was swollen all the way up to twice its size. The owner was no longer able to financially care for the horse, so the nail was removed and the horse was cared for the best the farm could without any veterinary care. When I saw Apollo for the first time he was so skinny and his leg was double in size with a large, open wound above his right hoof. A week or so went by and it got back to us that Apollo was going to be put down. I contacted the owner and asked her if she would consider giving me the horse. She agreed and Apollo came home. We immediately gave him medication for the swelling.
A farrier that specializes in lameness heard about our horse and said that if we got x-rays done that he would take a look at them for us. On 8/12/05 I started Apollo on Spirulina Wafers along with the medication. By 8/22/05 he was up to 10 wafers per day. That is the day I got the results from the farrier. The nail had gone through the flexor tendon and shattered his navicular bone. I was told that the horse should not have survived the amount of infection associated with this injury and he certainly should not be walking. He also had laminitis in his left hind foot due to weight bearing on that leg. Both the farrier and the vets did not give me much hope for his recovery, but Apollo will tell you otherwise. His walking is almost normal on that leg. He has even trotted a few times on his good days. He has been putting weight on, and his coat and eyes look so healthy. We started him on C-Complex on 9/09/05 along with the Spirulina Wafers. We have had some minor setbacks and he still needs to be kept on medication to keep the swelling down, but, otherwise, he is doing great. I keep telling the professionals that Apollo is going to be one for their medical journals! I feel your products have a great deal to do with his recovery, along with his big heart!
Lori Bilinsky, Pennsylvania

Spirulina Wafers - Help for Heaves
Dear Springtime,
I have been a long time customer, specifically using Spirulina Wafers for my Arabian, Joshua. While placing my latest order, I was singing the praises of this product and the impact it's made on the quality of Josh's life. I met Joshua ten years ago while volunteering for a handicapped riding therapy program. I was paired with Josh to be his handler and quickly learned how special he was. The program folded after a couple of years and Joshua had developed a very serious case of heaves. He became homeless, as well as seriously ill. I believed he deserved a quality life, however much longer that would be, and so he became mine.
Well, that was ten years ago! RLA Joshua is now 31 years old and looks better than ever! Because of the brand on his neck under his mane, I have been able to research his entire
history, and what a story it is! I'm determined to write it all down someday. Anyway, I
quickly learned when he came under my care that he was allergic to many things. Along with a serious case of heaves, Joshua had skin issues. Every time I would try to administer a product to treat his various conditions, he would have an allergic reaction, itchy skin and hair loss.
I read about Spirulina in Horse Journal, talked to a vet knowledgeable about herbs and decided I needed to give this product a try to build his immune system. Joshua has been on Spirulina daily for about eight years along with a high quality senior feed (he can
no longer eat hay), soaked alfalfa cubes and just plain good horse keeping. I closely monitor his breathing and he does require medication occasionally because of the severe scarring in his lungs, but I know Spirulina Wafersmakes his condition manageable and we do not have any skin issues. If you could see him streak across the pasture when turned out, you would not believe he was 31.
Thank you,
Kathryn Bourgault, Michigan

"...hive free all summer."
Dear Springtime,
This is Trudy. She is my pride and joy and she is a Spirulina Wafers girl! I just wanted to let you know that I turned a few of my friends onto the Spirulina Wafers for horses. One of my friends' horses had chronic hives, but they started disappearing and the horse was hive free all summer.
Thanks for the great products!
Denise McCabe, New Hampshire

"...Spirulina Wafers are a treat..."
Dear Springtime,
I have been ordering from Springtime for years now and have also taken every opportunity to tell others about your company and great supplements! I recently realized I have never told YOU how pleased I have always been with the products.
I have a small Rescue/Rehab for a variety of animals and many have been the recipients of your formulas. I currently have 17 dogs and one of my favorite additions to their diet is the Longevity. I raise all my giant breed pups (Wolfhounds and Danes) on this, as optimal nutrition is extra important for the fast growing guys. Nearly all my critters, dogs and otherwise, think the Spirulina Wafers are a treat, and really, anything I have ever ordered is top quality and well accepted by all.
I have most recently plugged Springtime on one of my forums and I know you have received numerous orders! I have attached a few pics of a couple of my "Springtime" guys also. I operate on a shoestring budget, but their supps are a priority whenever I can spare the cost. Thanks for being a company I can count on and recommend with pride!
Janice Wolf
Rocky Ridge Refuge, Arkansas

"We are saving money on vet bills..."
Dear Springtime,
Recently I received one of your catalogs. I have four dogs and fifteen horses so you can imagine my mailbox is flooded everyday with catalogs, etc. I usually don't take the time to look at them but this is the first time I received one from Springtime. The cover said "Natural Supplements for Horses, Dogs, and People" which caught my interest.
I have a Basset Hound (Elvis) who is allergic to the world and has been tested for allergies (food and the environment) and recently finished the injections to boost his immune system. A couple months ago Elvis hurt his back and the vet limited him to activities and NO steps. He put him on pain meds which only masked his injury. I bought a ramp to get him in and out of the truck as he gets a bath every week with special shampoo for his sensitive skin. I decided to research Springtime's website and was amazed at all the satisfied customers! I placed my first order for my horses, dogs, and people!
One of my horses (Chubby) was diagnosed with COPD and I ordered the DMG 5,600 for coughing. She has been on DMG 5,600 for about a month and is now able to eat hay instead of alfalfa cubes which gets very expensive every week and she is cough free!
My husband (Norm) hurt his knee in November 2009 and had an MRI. They told him time would heal it. He had terrific pain and wore a knee brace all the time. Norm had been taking three of the Joint Health Capsules and two Tonic Blend tablets every day for about a month and has very little pain and hasn't worn the knee brace for a couple of weeks! He couldn't believe it. He is kind of a doubting Thomas on things so he was a little skeptical trying this. He said something sure helped. Must be Springtime! He takes it religiously every day!
As for Elvis, he is on Bug Off Garlic Chewables, Fresh Factors, Joint Health Chewables, Omega 3-6-9, and ½ tablet of Spirulina Wafers twice a day. I actually feel good about feeding him all these supplements. I know all natural will help him and he won't be affected from all the meds from the vet. I ordered a couple of organic treat books and went to our local health marked to purchase organic supplies to make dog treats since Elvis is limited to what he can eat. Spoiled? He is worth it! He is my best friend. I rescued him from a bad situation when he was nine months old and tied to a tree for target practice. He was in bad shape when I got him. He is now eight years old. He is doing terrific thanks to Springtime. I can't believe the difference in his skin and coat; no shedding, no flakes, and shiny. He is very happy and playing again. You can see it in his big brown eyes! He even tried to jump on the couch which is his favorite spot and he hasn't been able to do that in months. I have also cut his bathing down to once a month!
As for me, I am taking the Tonic Blend and Spirulina Tablets. With each order I have passed along to my friends the extra books you packed in the boxes. I have several dog friends and told them about the results I have had with Elvis. It is funny, everyone knows Elvis in town. Your customer service is wonderful. I had several questions regarding Elvis before I ordered to make sure he would not be allergic to any of your products. They were very knowledgeable and helpful.
Enclosed are a couple of pics of Elvis. He is the KING! He was crowned King at the Bow Wow Luau to help raise money for the Humane Society. He was adorable and managed to raise $300 from local sponsors.
Please keep up the good work! We are the Springtime family! In the long run, we are saving money on vet bills and we are all happy!
Thanks again,
Cheri Meyer, Missouri

"...look how their healthy coats shine through!"
Dear Springtime,
I've enclosed a couple of magazines for you of The Northern Horse™. The horses on the cover are mine; Max, an 11 year old Quarter Horse gelding, and Dandy, a two year old Morgan filly. That shine on their coats is due to Springtime's Bug Off Garlic and Spirulina Wafers, not pasture turn-out. (We have to rotate our horses so generally each one gets about three hours a week of turn-out time.) These two had just finished running and had a good roll in a favorite dirt spot, and look how their healthy coats shine through!
Sandy Davis, Alaska

"...nothing short of a miracle."
Dear Springtime,
In the early fall of 2006, One of our senior horses at the barn, Harley, was diagnosed with a very aggressive mouth cancer, very rare and very deadly. ...After medical treatments failed, the horse was basically sent home to the barn to die. It was a nightmare.
When I came to this barn in 2005, my horse Snickers was taking Spirulina Wafers for his allergy problems and for his general health. I convinced Harley's owner and the other owner of a senior horse that it was wise to give their horses a product that would boost the immune system. My horses, Snickers, used to have summer itch so bad that one time he had no hair from between his front legs underneath to his tail. I was impressed at this immune response while using Spirulina Wafers and suggested to Harley's owners to keep giving it to Harley and to not give up on the body's natural tendency to heal...
Our vet at Dominion Equine, Dr. John, called Harley's remission nothing short of a miracle and I agree… Harley is a happy horse; he has survived an original "months" prognosis, and is happy grazing in his pasture. Snickers is peaceful in the summer months, no more itch. Both Snickers and Harley are living testimony and tributes to this wonderful product. We are forever grateful for Harley, now 27, and Snickers, now 23, thank you very much.
Carol Malinauskas, Virginia

"...his cough is nonexistent thanks to Spirulina Wafers."
Dear Springtime,
Thank you so much for your kindness and your wonderful products. I've enclosed pictures of my daughter Shane with her 20-something retired ranch Quarterhorse, Black Jack, and my younger daughter Rachel with her 30-ish Arabian mare, Freckles.
Both horses were in sad shape when we were able to give them homes (and devoted cowgirls!). Black Jack has fewer lameness episodes, he's absolutely beautiful, and his cough is nonexistent thanks to Spirulina Wafers. Before we used your Joint Health Formula, he had days when he was so uncomfortable that he would be aggressive. Now we have periods when he can enjoy short, flat rides, and is positively snuggly!
Freckles, however, is like a young mare. The Joint Health Formula has made such a difference in her. When Freckles first came to us there were mornings when she didn't want to get to her feet and she had horrendous hock sores. Now she bucks, gallops, and takes wonderful care of her girl. We've used the Bug Off Garlic for two fly seasons now and find that it works very well for all three of our horses.
We recommend your products wholeheartedly!
Christy Burgess, California

"...infection is completely cleared up..."
Dear Springtime,
One of my horses has COPD and the other one has had a reoccurring bacterial infection on his girth line that nothing came close to clearing up. When my new Springtime catalog came and I read about the Spirulina Wafers, I knew I had to try it. Within two weeks, Blaze's breathing was much, much better, and Playboy's infection was going away. Now, over a month later, Playboy's infection is completely cleared up and Blaze's breathing in 100% better.
I was so impressed that I started the three dogs on Longevity – one of them is older and has joint problems. It wasn't two weeks that they had been on Longevity that they were visibly more active, especially the older one. Dee-Dee is acting like a puppy, and more active than she was when we rescued her five years ago (she was a rescue dog).
I then thought if this product could help these animals like this, I better get myself on it right away. After one and a half weeks on Spirulina Tablets, the pain in my right knee felt so much better. I increased the dosage to ten a day and I no longer have to get cortisone shots in my knee. The pain is virtually gone, plus my eyesight has gotten much better, which I didn't expect. What a surprise to be able to read the clock without my glasses plus the light flashes in my left eye have completely gone away. I am blown away by the way I feel and am telling everyone about this product. Thank you so very much for making our lives so much better.
Liz Dietrich, Florida

No More Welts, Sweet Itch
Dear Springtime,
We have a lovely Rocky Mountain/Kentucky Mountain Saddle Horse mare, Rebel Ridge Molly Mercer, who is extremely allergic to bug bites. We have tried everything (all kinds of bug sprays and applications, and home remedies). Nothing really worked. She had sweet itch all summer long and her coat was a mass of bumps from all the bites. She was also extremely irritable. However, we now have the sweetest, bug-free mare you would ever want, thanks to Spirulina Wafers and Bug Off Garlic. I'm enclosing a picture of the mare with our two year old stud as a baby. SCF Pride's Brio had such potential but was even more allergic than his mother and every bug bite resulted in big welts, which did not go down. We wanted to show the colt in conformation classes but were concerned about the big welts over his body. …In any event, since the products worked so well for his mother, we started him on them going into his second year. What a difference! Not only does he not get new bumps but also the old, existing ones have all disappeared. In fact, our veterinarians, Logan County Animal Clinic in Russellville, KY, are amazed at what these products have done… It's been a real success story for our two year old, SFC Pride's Brio, who won 1st place in the 2-4 year old conformation at the Stones River championship this year.
Thank you again,
Kathy Veatch, Tennessee

"...I don't have to see my horse itch and cough from allergy pain."
Dear Springtime,
Me and my horse, Phoebe, would like to compliment your new product, Spirulina Wafers. Phoebe has a very high allergic sensitivity to bugs. Since taking your product, Phoebe not only tolerates bugs, she can stand still to take wonderful pictures now. Her immune system is healing (and no more coughing as well). This product saved my horse! I had to give her over 400 mg of Benedryl to make her feel more comfortable, but now I have not used it at all since your wafers. Phoebe can finally eat grass without having to gear her up with every fly net possible. The tears from my eyes are gone now that I don't have to see my horse itch and cough from allergy pain. I feel that now my horse is truly a happy horse and is comfortable in her own skin.
Thank you, Springtime!
Erica Rowe, Connecticut

"This new vet was amazed at the x-rays..."
Dear Springtime,
You featured my horse, Apollo, in your 2006 catalog (recovery from shattered navicular bone and infection). I just wanted to give you an update. As of October 1, 2005, he is completely off of antibiotics. On November 1, 2005, he was turned out in a large pasture with three other horses that he loves to play with. And the best news of all, on August 9, 2006, one year later, we took him back to the vet to have new x-rays taken and get an updated opinion on his condition. They said he could be ridden lightly in three months! This new vet was amazed at his x-rays and couldn't believe this horse came as far as he did. Apollo continues to take Spirulina Wafers and also gets Joint Health Formula. Thank you so much for your wonderful products. I truly believe that they helped Apollo come as far as he did.
Lori Bilinsky and "Apollo," Pennsylvania

"...takes the edge off."
Dear Springtime,
I have been riding horses for 15 years and have owned horses for the past 10 years. I have competed in a number of different events, but my main event is barrel racing. I own five horses and compete off two. My husband and I travel to many rodeos throughout the year and even more barrel races and jackpots. I have accomplished a number of things, from qualifying for BBR world four times, NBHA world four times, and was a UBRA champion in the 1D and 2D three times.
I also am a riding instructor and trainer out at Sunnyside Stables. I work with a number of different people of all ages and all abilities, but my main focus and interest is working with children. I love teaching beginners, starting from the ground up and watching them grow! I completed an internship at the Dakota County Juvenile Correctional Facility last summer, so as you can see I really have a passion for working with children.
I'm a huge fan of your products. I currently use the Spirulina Wafers on my bay gelding, Macho, that is prone to skin allergies and hives, and they work amazingly! Before starting the Spirulina Wafers, he had hives the size of golf balls, and he hasn't had a hive since. I also use the Daily Calm on my high strung Palomino mare, Peaches, and this really takes the edge off and helps her focus. I love the products and am looking into using some others for this upcoming season.
Thanks so much,
Bailey Webb-Olson, Wisconsin

"I do not plan on my dog ever being without them."
Dear Springtime,
I have always had great results with your products. I have used them, for quite some time now, and do not plan on my dog ever being without them. I give Tanika, my three year old Cocker Spaniel, Fresh Factors, Bug Off Garlic granules, and about Spirulina Wafers. I really feel this helps her stay healthy and I am sure it will result in her having a more comfortable and enjoyable life in the years to come. I want to do whatever I can to ensure she is healthy and strong in her senior years. I love her dearly and want her to be with me for many, many years, and I know with your products I can do my part to help this happen. Thank you!
Grace Delong, Ohio

"…decrease in coughing within a month."
Dear Springtime,
I just wanted to tell you that we have a 23 year old Quarter Horse gelding named Travis. I read about Spirulina Wafers in the Horse Journal and decided to try them to support his respiratory health. We noticed it supported his normal respiratory function within a month. It has been six months on the wafers and he hardly ever has any problems. I also have a 22 year old Morgan pony and a 16 year old Thoroughbred. I put them on the Spirulina Wafers also. I am very happy with the results.
I have attached a photo of my daughter, Lauren Walker, with her Morgan pony. This pony started coughing in the summer of 2009. After trying many things, I decided she was going on the Spirulina Wafers too. So far she is maintaining healthy breathing, and she has been on the Spirulina Wafers for three months.
Rhonda Walker, Pennsylvania

"I was told the horse should not have survived the amount of infection associated with his injury..."
Dear Springtime,
My biggest story to you is a rescue horse that we acquired on 7/29/05. Apollo is a 14 year old Thoroughbred that had stepped on a nail while out in a pasture. Days went by before anyone noticed that his right hind leg was swollen all the way up to twice its size. The owner was no longer able to financially care for the horse, so the nail was removed and the horse was cared for the best the farm could without any veterinary care. When I saw Apollo for the first time he was so skinny and his leg was double in size with a large, open wound above his right hoof. A week or so went by and it got back to us that Apollo was going to be put down. I contacted the owner and asked her if she would consider giving me the horse. She agreed and Apollo came home. We immediately gave him medication for the swelling.
A farrier that specializes in lameness heard about our horse and said that if we got x-rays done that he would take a look at them for us. On 8/12/05 I started Apollo on Spirulina Wafers along with the medication. By 8/22/05 he was up to 10 wafers per day. That is the day I got the results from the farrier. The nail had gone through the flexor tendon and shattered his navicular bone. I was told that the horse should not have survived the amount of infection associated with this injury and he certainly should not be walking. He also had laminitis in his left hind foot due to weight bearing on that leg. Both the farrier and the vets did not give me much hope for his recovery, but Apollo will tell you otherwise. His walking is almost normal on that leg. He has even trotted a few times on his good days. He has been putting weight on, and his coat and eyes look so healthy. We started him on C-Complex on 9/09/05 along with the Spirulina Wafers. We have had some minor setbacks and he still needs to be kept on medication to keep the swelling down, but, otherwise, he is doing great. I keep telling the professionals that Apollo is going to be one for their medical journals! I feel your products have a great deal to do with his recovery, along with his big heart!
Lori Bilinsky, Pennsylvania

...he cleared up, completely...
Dear Springtime, I meant to send this during the summer, this is Bo, my 13 yr appendix QH. He started getting hives this spring, I still don't know if it was bug bites, allergies, if he ate something, he never had this happen before. Week after week of it, antihistamines didn't work, dexamethasone worked, but that's a temporary fix, didn't want to keep him on steroids. I then remembered a friend using blue green algae for her mare's hives, so I decided to try the Springtime [Spirulina Wafers]. Within just a couple days of starting him on the spirulina, he cleared up, completely, and it didn't happen again. I kept him on it for a couple months, until the bugs went away and any toxic plants were gone. Thank you for another awesome product. I have been using your products for my horses, dogs, cats, and myself since the mid '90's, and I continue to be amazed. Karin W