"WOW! …I was amazed… He ran better and wasn't stiff anymore."
Dear Springtime,
My name is Kate Bacon. I'm 16 years old and ride an 18 year old Thoroughbred/Appy gelding named Jack. When I was 12, I decided that I wanted to begin a career in rodeo. After just one fall of rodeos nearly every weekend, Jack was stiff and sore after each long ride to and from the rodeo. My mom and I thought that this was natural because of his hard life as a ranch horse and his old age (16-17 years old at the time). Then a friend told my mom about J-Flex Concentrate . We thought it was worth a try. WOW! We started Jack on J-Flex Concentrate late in winter. I was amazed at the difference in him. He ran better and was maintaining healthy mobility.
Jack is 18 years going on 19 now and we are still running competitive barrels and poles. He looks great and is healthy and happy. He will be my official mount this summer as I am the queen of the local rodeo court. Thank you so much for developing a product that is so wonderful.
Kate Bacon, Oregon

Age 36 - Never Stopped Running
Dear Springtime,
I have enjoyed your products for years. You had my testimonial under Real Letters talking about my 34 year old Thoroughbred, Beau. Beau passed away two years ago at age 36. He ran his laps around the arena that afternoon and played in a puddle of water, but two hours later, he had a stroke and had to be put down. We always said it would be a sad day if Beau couldn't run anymore. Thanks to J-Flex Concentrate, he never saw that day. I know he's running laps in heaven.
Thanks again,
Kristen Bushnell, California

Springtime products help support healing and performance.
Dear Springtime,
Your products are fabulous. I have written before about my little dog, Albert. Albert passed away last April at 15 and a half years old. He is still on your website and I truly believe he lived his last years in complete comfort and happiness because of your products.
When Albert passed I got a new Boston Terrier/French Bulldog mix puppy named Samson. We knew he was "different" right off the bat but got him anyway. His mother had tried to eat him as a couple days old puppy, so he has a massive, deep scar on the left side of his head and some scar tissue on the right. He had bad balance, always stumbling, leaning, bumping into things, and even falling over. We figured that he had suffered head trauma in the accident with his Mom. The veterinarians we go to give us advice on the things we could look into to help him… surgery and medication. I am very much against medicating my animals unless it is a last ditch effort. He was a ten week old puppy and just as happy as could be, and he didn't know he was different.
After a couple of months, Samson started rolling. He would shake his head, fall over, and roll several times. Then he would jump up and run around. Talk about shocking the first time that happened. Well, three veterinarians and a lot of emotional turmoil later, I signed over the puppy. We just could not find out what was wrong with him. A week went by and they did not put him down but rather found a foster home for him. I called and wanted my baby back, and got him back! I figured that I adopted him knowing he had some issues and needed to help this little guy the most I could.
Then, while getting his shots, the vet tech cleaned his ears and found Samson was lacking something that pretty much explained all his actions. He has no opening to his ear canal on the right side! This throws his equilibrium and his balance off. WOW, what a discovery! Upon finding this out, I immediately put him on Fresh Factors and Longevity because they both are great all around products that can help with inflammation. Since we could not see in his ear canal, we did not know if there was inflammation or even normal ear anatomy in there. Fast forward nine months, Samson is still running, playing, destroying toys, and being as obnoxious as a puppy can be. We have not done surgery on his ear because he is very happy, not in pain, and knows no different. He has adjusted himself to live with his "uniqueness," no longer rolls and his balance is getting better and better. I truly believe that Springtime products have helped him along this crazy journey we are on. We will continue to use these products as I feel they have been a huge benefit for him. We also use both products mentioned above for our long haired dog that has terrible skin allergies. He no longer itches after taking these products. Thank You!
I also have my horses, 20 year old Leo, and 22 year old Nandy, on J-Flex Concentrate. It is unbelievable how they are able to get around. I am still competing on both of them in barrel racing and Nandy will be helping two young girls in 4H this year.
Dawn Cook, Illinois

25 Year Old Horse Still Going Strong.
Dear Springtime,
J-Flex Concentrate is a wonderful product! It gave life to my 16 year old Appendix horse named Murphy, who is now 25 and still going strong (a bit too strong, in my opinion :o). So now I'm using Joint Health Chewables to help my five year old English Mastiff through joint pain caused by elbow surgery when he was a puppy. I've tried other vet recommended products that worked, BUT yours is night and day! Thank you again for helping the heartbeats in my life.
God bless,
Jackie Dossett, New York

Norman Still a Miracle Seven Years After Shattered Bone Recovery
Dear Springtime,
I just wanted to send you a quick email to update you on my horse, Norman, who you featured in your sales catalog a few years ago (Spring 2001). So, here he is today. February 14, 2007 will be seven years since his injury (used J-Flex Concentrate to help recovery). I don't ride Norman anymore; he just enjoys doing tricks. I am teaching him to pick up a phone and hand it to me. He is 21 this year…Norman is a miracle! I also have my Hunter on a combination of J-Flex Concentrate and Springtime GL. This maintains his soundness and happiness. We are still jumping around courses and winning…
Thanks for making such great products!
Jeanine McAnaney, California

"Within one week... she was kicking up her heels..."
Dear Springtime,
In March, I lost my Quarter Horse/Thoroughbred mare, Scarlett, to colic. She was almost 24 years old and had also suffered from joint issues for many years. We decided she needed help and had tried other products without success before we discovered J-Flex Concentrate. The J-Flex Concentrate results were amazing! Within about a week after starting the J-Flex Concentrate, she was moving more easily and was kicking up her heels like a youngster again! We kept her on it for about a year and then decided to try to stop it and see if she would be ok without it… big mistake! She was so stiff and slow moving and obviously needed her J-Flex Concentrate restarted. I'm not sure how long she stayed on it, probably at least six or seven years, but I have no doubt that it greatly increased her quality of life. She shared her pasture with my husband's 15 year old gelding, Doc, and had no problems keeping up with him.
We also use the Fresh Factors and the Joint Health Chewables for all five of our dogs, ranging in age from seven months to nine years. They all love the tablets and get excited when it's time for their "vitamins." They are all happy and healthy, running, playing, and enjoying their lives!
Please feel free to use any of this unsolicited letters in your catalog. I am enclosing pictures of Scarlett and Doc, as well as our five dogs, Yogi, Jojo, Dixie, Dolly and Jake. (As you can see, none of them appear undernourished or neglected!)
Thanks again for such great products! We are definitely big fans of Springtime!
Quint and Sandra Lindsey, North Carolina

34 Year Old Thoroughbred "...still loves to run."
Dear Springtime,
Love your products. My 34 year old Thoroughbred gelding, Beau, and I have been using your wonderful products for almost 20 years now. I have two herniated disks in my back that have bothered me since 1973. I had taken Cartilage Concentrate* for a week when it dawned on me that it may have helped reduce the inflammation associated with training and competition. I was amazed!
During Beau's racing day, he injured his back when he flipped over in the starting gate. There were many days when he couldn't be ridden because of his sore back. After starting him on J-Flex Concentrate we never missed a day. He still had a "cold back" but within a 15 minute walk warm-up he was ready to do our dressage work. Beau was diagnosed with Cushing's disease 16 years ago. With his daily dose of medications and J-Flex Concentrate it has been able to maintain his occasional joint stiffness. At 34, he still enjoys galloping around the arena. He's amazing to watch as he does his laps. He still loves to run.
Thank you for supporting Beau's ability to naturally heal during his senior years.
God bless you,
Kristen Bushnell, California
*Now Joint Health Capsules

Foundered Horse "...he made an amazing recovery on J-Flex!!"
Dear Springtime,
I just want to take the time to thank you for your amazing products. I have attached a photo of Quacker, my 14 year old half Tennessee walking horse. Quacker foundered five years ago. Several options did not help much and all the vet offered was to put him down because at one point he was experiencing discomfort to the point he could not get up. I was ready to make that painful decision, but then I read some of the good success stories in your catalog about J-Flex Concentrate. So I decided it couldn't hurt to at least give it a try. He made an amazing recovery on J-Flex Concentrate! Now he is back to being the good, sound riding horse he used to be. He's full of life and spirit, and loves to run. Thank you so much Springtime for giving me my horse back!!
Emilie Schmudlach, Wisconsin

"With the help of J-Flex before patrol I do not have a sore horse the next day."
Dear Springtime,
I have a 24 year old Peruvian Paso, Chanchi, which in 2000 was diagnosed with severe joint problems and needed to be put down. I, however, couldn't do it and I searched until I found Springtime. Chanchi has now been on J-Flex Concentrate and Bug Off Garlic for four years. The x-rays show no joint problems and he is back on active duty – that's up to ten hours in the saddle a day on all terrains. With the help of J-Flex Concentrate before patrol I do not have a sore horse the next day. No leaning or walking on eggshells. This is truly a wonder of a product, and boy, did I try the gamut of stuff out there. Yours worked wonders for Chanchi.
Thanks and good health,
Jamie Trujillo, California

"…he went back to winning…"
Dear Springtime,
I got a new barrel horse that was well known to have an alley problem. I took him away from the barrel for six weeks, put him on J-Flex Concentrate Concentrate and had him worked on by my chiropractor. I brought him back to barrel racing; he went back to winning and never had a problem again. I believe in J-Flex Concentrate 100%. I did double his J-Flex Concentrate for about a month, but now I give it to him once a day. One thing I can say for Springtime products is that it is unbelievable in the results I get. This is the only additional vitamin I give my horse.
Vicki Thomas, Texas

"Mirage is now 26 and still going strong…"
Dear Springtime,
I wrote a couple years back to tell you how great your J-Flex Concentrate was working for my Thoroughbred mare, Mirage. Mirage is now 26 and still going strong thanks to her daily dose of J-Flex Concentrate. She loves to be ridden and everybody thinks she is much younger than her age. I can't thank you enough for making such a wonderful product. She is still one of the most comfortable horses to ride and will always be on J-Flex Concentrate.
I have also gotten my boyfriend hooked on your products for his dog, Kobe. Kobe is seven years old and gets Fresh Factors every day. Kobe thinks that Fresh Factors are a "treat" and will not eat his food until we put them in his dish. Kobe still acts like a puppy thanks to Fresh Factors.
Thanks so much for making the high quality products you do.
Jenny Vedder, Oregon
"…back to being the wonderful therapeutic tool for the disabled children…"
Dear Springtime,
I am writing to thank you for your great product, J-Flex Concentrate. We are a wild burro and pony rescue with a program for disabled youth…we deal with a lot of older horses. Gayette, a 30 year old Mustang, had been a favorite of the kids over the last few years due to her gentle disposition. But this spring, Gayette started becoming very stiff and unrideable and we knew she was in a lot of pain. She did not want any of the kids to even brush her. This was a great disappointment to the kids. Everyone was very sad and the vet suggested that her time had come. Not willing to give up on her, we started using J-Flex Concentrate. Within a few weeks, she started to move around better and was excited to see the kids again. Now she is rideable and is back to being the wonderful therapeutic tool for the disabled children we deal with.
Once again, thank you for producing such a wonderful product. It has brought back the smiles to many a little face here on the ranch. And with your help and God's will, she will continue to touch the hearts of many children.
Sincerely and with great thanks,
Mark R. Jespersen, President/Owner of Dreamcatcher Ranch and Director of the Oscar Javier Ramirez Youth Program, California
"…your products are great…"
Dear Springtime,
I wasn't kidding – your products are great and all our creatures benefit from them: human (Tonic Blend), canine (Fresh Factors), equine (DMG 5,600), J-Flex Concentrate, Breather Powder and Gamma). I have given Fresh Factors and information on it to so many people and they have been so pleased with it. Don't ever change. The enclosed photo is of my daughter, Mary, and The Griffin who is on Gamma, J-Flex Concentrate and DMG 5,600. He is now sound of wind and limb – he was seldom sound for more than a few days at a time and he had trouble with allergies. He was unrideable – head tossing, nose blowing, just miserable. He is now a happy, reasonable horse. So from the three humans, 14 dogs and five horses, a great big THANK YOU, Springtime!
Susan Barrett, Pennsylvania

Pleased with Springtime
Dear Springtime,
I am an active member in the WPRA and I just wanted to let you know how pleased I am with your products. Joys Bayou Puff has been on your J-Flex Concentrate and DMG 5,600 for several months now. Pictures are worth a thousand words!
The enclosed picture was taken at the recent ETBRA Blow-Out held at the Mesquite Rodeo Arena in Mesquite, Texas. Puff placed third in the 1D out of 439 entries.
Thank you,
Amy Stutzman and "Puff," Texas
P.S. My Border Collie, Wendy-Boo, loves your Fresh Factors. She can't wait for her "cookie" every morning.
"After just a week… he moves like a horse half his age."
Dear Springtime,
I just wanted to thank you for giving my wonderful 16 year old Tennessee walking horse gelding his life back. A year ago he had the most wonderful show season. The Fashion Feature (AKA Big Boy) used to be a padded show horse. When my husband and I bought him four years ago we said good-bye to the pads and he really came into his own last year, winning 36 out of 50 blue ribbons in our open breed show association in the Piedmont of North Carolina.
Just as show season was about to get under way this year, he was spooked in his paddock in the middle of the night and re-injured what the vet determined to be an old injury to his right front pastern. The original injury probably occurred while he was on pads but nevertheless, he was somewhat lame. After x-rays and being on another supplement that the vet had recommended and no riding for about six weeks, I couldn't see much improvement.
Out of desperation, I called a friend of mine who has a 17 year old Arab that she shows on a regular basis. I thought if anyone could help me, she could (not knowing at the time that her horse was on any type of joint supplement at all). She told me about J-Flex Concentrate and gave me an old catalog. I figured what the heck. Nothing else had worked so I might as well give it a try. Am I glad I did! After just a week of being on J-Flex Concentrate, Big Boy is like a new horse. He moves like a horse half his age. I now look forward to many more years of showing this wonderful and incredibly beautiful animal…and it's all thanks to J-Flex Concentrate. I've told everybody I know about it and they are using it as well. Again, thank you for giving my horse (and me) our lives back.
Pat Ireland, North Carolina