Glossy, Dappled, Show-Ring Ready Coats
Dear Springtime,
I am writing to tell you how pleased I've been with your products. We have 6 horses and 4 dogs, and all of them are on Springtime supplements. Our horses are on Gamma, Bug Off Garlic, occasionally Bee Pollen and Spirulina Wafers, and I've recently started them on J-Flex Concentrate. We've seen significant improvement and dappling in their coats.
Doc, our 10 year old Percheron gelding, has a coat that is so glossy and dappled. He looks wonderful in his natural coat, even without spray on shine products. He really doesn't need anything but a bath to show his vibrant coat. Doc's coat looks wonderful on Gamma.
Recently, the night before a draft horse show, I spent forever washing him and Rock, our other 18 year old Draft horse. That's a lot of acreage per horse, at 18'2 and over 2,000 pounds. Of course, the next morning, Doc and Rock looked like they had rolled in dirt and a manure pile. We didn't have enough time to do more than squirt the worst of it off with a hose. But their underlying coats were so vibrant that just a thorough grooming made them show ring ready. My husband Mike was really impressed with the quality of their coats this year on your products.
Fly control is crucial for Doc, because he came to us with a docked tail. He has no fly swatter in summer! We know the Bug Off Garlic works, because when we ran out all the horses had flies, whereas before there would only be one or two that would alight and then immediately fly off.
Karen Stueve, California

Gamma Helps Rehabilitate Charlie
Dear Springtime,
We have been using your Gamma to rehabilitate one of our horses. Charlie (a mare) came to us stressed out and underweight. A low-stress lifestyle, good grazing, and Gamma has been instrumental in improving her body condition. The pictures show her progress – before and after.
Almost forgot to mention – she is between 25-30 years old.
She looks great and has a great spirit!
Thank you,
Susan Watkins, Virginia

"The difference in her haircoat and muscling is amazing."
Dear Springtime,
I've enclosed photos of SC Splash's Valley Girl, alias Magic, taken when I bought her in January of 2009, and today, June 30, 2009. She has been on Springtime Gamma. The difference in her haircoat and muscling is amazing. I've used Gamma before on a mare I showed in halter, with the same great results. Thanks for a great product!
Laurie Truskauskus-Knott, Texas

"...more of a beautiful build every day..."
Dear Springtime,
As always thanks for your great service! Recently, I've ordered from another mail order company and their shipping was expensive. Thanks for keeping your rates so low.
Thought you'd also like to see how great my colt is doing on Springtime's Bug Off Garlic and Gamma. As soon as Lark, my Percheron colt, would eat, I fed Gamma on his sweet feed. This is a picture of him at four months old (yes, only four months!). He is 13.1 HH and getting more of a beautiful build every day besides his healthy shine.
Chloe Molner, North Carolina

"...Trouper put on muscle-weight..."
Dear Springtime,
First of all let me make it clear that my horse, Trouper, does not, nor did he, have any problems when I selected the Springtime Gamma as my free item the last time I ordered your products for my dogs. I ordered the Gamma because of the information I read about it and felt this was one way of offering additional calories in the cold months without upping concentrated feeds… I had wanted to see if the Gamma might keep Trouper from losing any weight during the numerous frigid snaps here in Tennessee.
Now that we are on the backside of winter I can say for sure that the alterations in Trouper's body are not only noticeable but also seem permanent… Not only did Trouper not lose any weight, but Trouper put on muscle-weight, high on the croup where his pelvis attaches to his backbone, across the top of his scapula and the large muscle on the inside of the rear legs at the back.
I cannot tell you what a joy it is to purchase a product that not only does what it claims it will, but goes even a little further, thank you.
Pamela Rogers, Tennessee
"He probably gained several hundred pounds…"
Dear Springtime,
Last year, my 24 year old Pinto/Arabian, Cloud Dancer, was in very poor health due to the poor quality of hay we had to use and the simple fact that he was 'getting old'. My daughter had a copy of your catalog and while looking through it I came across your pages on Springtime Gamma and Breather Powder. I decided to give them a try. Last summer, I had him on both of these products and I was amazed at the difference. He maintained a healthy weight and was able to maintain normal respiratory function. I was amazed because our veterinarian had been unable to help us. I can't thank you enough for your wonderful products. They have saved my favorite old gelding and given him a new lease on life.
Anne M. Woodruff, Tennessee