"…his hair grew back."
Dear Springtime,
Thank you so much for the Omega 3-6-9. I had fed my dog, Huckleberry, a dog food that he apparently had an allergy to. He lost a patch of hair above his tail. Vet said if it began to spread we would need to check for mites. I switched his food and he improved a little. When I saw your catalog and got these, it was a lifesaver. I started Huckleberry out on double dose and within a few weeks, his hair grew back. We get compliments about how shiny he is.
Patches Brown, Ohio

"…his coat is sleek and shiny."
Dear Springtime,
I have four German Shepherds. Ranger Joe, my senior, was itching and digging at himself to the point that he was pulling his hair out, and his fur felt like a steel wool scrub pad. His coat was dull, and his left hind leg was somewhat unstable at times. I know he was feeling his age (6 ½ years old).
I put him on your Omega 3-6-9 and Joint Health Chewables. Wow! In three days, I saw a tremendous difference in his movement. He was running like my two year old dog. His fur is now soft and his coat is sleek and shiny. Thank you so much for answering his S.O.S. call (Save Our Skin).
Many thanks,
Leah Sullivent & the boys – "Ranger Joe, Rommel, Panzer, Sergeant Major," Missouri

Omega 3-6-9 helps give "...an edge..."
Dear Springtime,
I'm terribly pleased with the Omega 3-6-9! Here's a picture of a nine month old dog I bred, Pine Hill's Pay To Play (we call him Vinnie, LOL!) at his very first outing going Best Opposite Sex from the puppy dog 9-12 month class. Obviously, genetics (structure, temperament), and optimal health and condition are all a huge part of a total package but if I can give the dogs an edge with a superior diet including your supplement, I certainly will!
Kathy Salvucci, Pennsylvania

Omega 3-6-9 for a Best In Show
Dear Springtime,
Enclosed is a picture of Best In Show Grand Ch. Maric's Truth Be Told. When I got him as a puppy he was not growing the hair I wanted, and he was chewing the hair off his tail. I saw one of your catalogs and decided to order the Omega 3-6-9.
I started him on it and when his breeder took him to show him, she had to thin his coat. He got several Group Placements and a Best In Show under a judge not known to like Toy dogs. He got as high as #5 in All Breed Showing and #18 in Breed competition for 2011.
I got my friend to use it when she was having coat problems on her Papillon. She ended up being the #2 Papillon Bitch for 2011.
I am very pleased with your products. Keep up the good work.
Yours Truly,
Mary S. Smith, Missouri
*Photo courtesy of Melia Photography

Soothed Skin & Itch Relief
Dear Springtime,
The Omega 3-6-9 I ordered from you is having a wonderful effect on my Pitbull, Bruno. He has had skin problems since he was a puppy; blotchy, very red skin on his belly and inner thighs, and incessant scratching. He had been itching constantly and developed scabs along his lower spine and the base of his tail. I am so grateful I found your product and grateful my pup has been given relief. His belly and the insides of his thighs have also begun to clear up from chronic redness and itchiness. It was a veterinarian who recommended Omega 3-6-9 and an internet search that led me to your site. Great product!
Frank A. Rizo, Texas