Performance Paste


Performance Paste

Pre-event paste supports focus, oxygenation, energy, and stamina for "best day" performance for horses.

Perfect pre-event paste. Helps to boost energy, stamina and oxygenation; cartilage and capillary health; joint lubrication and calm, focused demeanor. Time tested winner.

Real Letters PPH Mason Leilani

"…extra edge needed to compete."

Leilani Mason, Florida

1 tube $18.25 $18.25
6 tubes $18.25 $109.50
12 tubes $16.36 $196.32
24 tubes $14.53 $348.72

  • Tube
  • $18.25/each
  • Qty
  • $18.25
  • Product Highlights
  • Directions
  • Ingredients
• Helps support stamina and endurance
• Supports a healthy inflammatory response and joint lubrication
• Reduces normal lactic acid buildup due to exercise, making it ideal for performance horses
• Supports the integrity and function of the lungs
• Maintains healthy oxygenation
• Helps keep horses calm & focused but capable of "best day" type performance
• Supports cartilage, tendon, and capillary health

Product Summary

Performance Paste is the perfect pre-event paste for "best day" performance. Maintains healthy energy, stamina and oxygenation; cartilage and capillary health; joint lubrication and calm, focused demeanor. This natural horse supplement is a time-tested winner.

For many more options, we encourage you to make time to look at our extensive array of natural horse supplements at Springtime Supplements today.

For use in horses only.
Recommended for supporting performance and normal muscle recovery.

Directions for Use:
Pre-event: Give one tube 6-8 hours before event.
Optional: Give one tube the evening before and one tube 6-8 hours before event.

Not for human consumption. Keep out of the reach of children and animals. In case of accidental overdose, contact a health professional immediately. This product should not be given to animals intended for human consumption.
Active Ingredients per 2.5 oz tube:
Tienchi (Panax notoginseng) 12,000 mg
Chondroitin sulfate (bovine source) 9,000 mg
N,N-Dimethylglycine HCl (DMG) 4,500 mg
Panax ginseng extract 2,600 mg
Ascorbic acid (vitamin C) 500 mg
Hesperidin 425 mg
Citrus bioflavonoid complex 200 mg

Real Letters

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Real Letters Performance Paste VandenBergheS
Sarah and Roswell clearing a jump with room to spare.

"We put down the dressage test of a lifetime."

Dear Springtime,

I just had to give you an update… In May, I increased Roswell's Joint Health Formula to prepare him for our first show back after being off a year and a half because I gave birth to my daughter. On the day of the event, I also gave him Performance Paste. I was blown away by Roswell's gaits. They were better than they had ever been in the five and a half years I have owned him. He came right out of the stall with no lunging, and showing normal Inflammatory responses. His gait had such freedom and regularity while being light, supple, and very engaged from behind. We put down the dressage test of a lifetime. If it hadn't been pouring down rain and I hadn't made a bad call while riding, we would have won that event instead of placing fourth. However, since the rain seemed to turn every jump into a water jump and the stadium into a huge pond, I was still more than thrilled with the results…

Thank you,
Sarah VandenBerghe, Michigan

Real Letters PPH Mason Leilani
Leila Ann - 2017-2018 Alabama Junior Rodeo Queen!

"…extra edge needed to compete."

Dear Springtime,

I just want to say thank you for being a company of your word. My daughter, Leila Ann, competes in Alabama Junior Rodeo in Barrels, Poles, Goat Tying, and Breakaway Roping. Leila is the current Alabama Junior Rodeo Queen. Her horsemanship pattern and score was the highest of all of the young cowgirls competing for Rodeo Queen. I give much credit to your Performance Paste as it did a wonderful job of helping Leila's mare maintain her calm and concentration. We also use the Performance Paste on our other barrel horses. It gives them the extra edge needed to compete. We love your products!

Leilani Mason, Florida

Real Letters Performance Paste Sahli N
A winning combination!

Nervous Horse – "…it really works!"

Dear Springtime,

Dear Springtime, My daughter uses Performance Paste for her horse. I ordered some and had it on hand. It's much easier for her to use because it does not have to be given daily. I bought it thinking it would be something natural that we could use before horse shows to calm her down a bit. My daughter did not think it worked until she stopped using it. When she used it, she was placing in every event, but as soon as she stopped, her horse was more nervous and did not do as well. She was no longer winning. This went on for a while and she was becoming very frustrated. As soon as she began using Performance Paste again, her horse began winning. You made a firm believer out of her! She did so well, she was one of two people in her age group selected to go to State show based upon her riding. Her equestrian team now gets to go on to represent our district in the Michigan Interscholastic Horsemanship Association! What a fine product you've made. We both can say it really works!

Nancy Sahli, Michigan