Bug Off Garlic Granules for Dogs


Bug Off Garlic Granules for Dogs

Celebrating more than 27 years of natural bug protection!

Springtime Bug Off Garlic Granules for Dogs is a safe, natural, flea and tick deterrent. Air-dried garlic granules provide a 24-hour shield against fleas, ticks, mosquitoes, gnats, flies, and other biting insects.

Real Letters BOGD 2018 Weeks Tinetha

Not One Flea or Tick!

Tinetha Weeks, Michigan

  • Buy two 1.5 lb jars get ONE FREE
  • $0.07/scoop
  • Qty
  • $45.00
  • Buy two 2.5 lb jars get ONE FREE
  • $0.05/scoop
  • Qty
  • $59.00
  • 1.5 lb
  • $0.10/scoop
  • Qty
  • $22.50
  • 2.5 lb
  • $0.07/scoop
  • Qty
  • $29.50

Please enter Qty 1 for each SET of Buy 2 get 1 Free.
  • Product Highlights
  • Directions
  • Ingredients
  • Studies/Etc.
• A 24-hour shield against fleas, ticks, mosquitoes, gnats, etc.
• A safe alternative to harsh chemical products
• One of the world's most powerful antioxidants
• Promotes friendly bacteria in the digestive tract
• Great source of dietary sulfur, including MSM
• Supports a healthy immune system
• Check out Bug Off Garlic Chewables for a chewable tablet version of this product

Product Summary

Veterinarians versed in natural alternatives use garlic in their private practices throughout the world. Although best known for its health protective properties, garlic has been used as an insect deterrent for centuries. Springtime's air-dried garlic takes that benefit to a new level and is far safer than many chemical products. You may use Bug Off for Dogs with total confidence.

For further items, we invite you to make time to review our entire assortment of natural dog supplements at Springtime Supplements now.

Real Letters

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Real Letters Bug Off Garlic Granules Calhoun N
Otis and Forrest with no worries about ticks.

"Bug Off Garlic for ticks – works better than spot on"

Dear Springtime,

I ordered Bug Off Garlic Granules for my dogs, Otis and Forrest, for the first time. I have had a terrible tick problem in the past with my dogs even though they received the 1x a month drops on their coat as recommended by my vet. The drops did not seem to offer any repellent properties because I was daily removing multiple ticks from my pets. I have been amazed that your Bug Off Garlic Granules has been the answer. If your product can deter Eastern North Carolina ticks, I believe it can work anywhere. Thanks for a great product.

Nancy Calhoun, North Carolina

Real Letters BOGD 2018 Miller Shiela
Shiela and her Australian Shepherd rescue, Riz.

"Ticks and fleas are in my yard, but not on my animals."

Dear Springtime,

I love Springtime's Bug Off Garlic Granules. I live in rural Oklahoma where ticks are plentiful, as well as fleas, flies, mosquitoes, etc. I have Lyme Disease, so it's extremely important to me to protect my fur family.

I worked at a vet for 10 years and used the commercial products with not much control of the pests. I even lost two of my precious pets to issues that came up where the drops were applied to the back of the neck. I said, no more. I now use your Bug Off Garlic Granules for my horses and dogs. It works!

I wish I had found your company and great products earlier, but I am thankful to have them now. I actually have another order on the way now. Ticks and fleas are in my yard, but not on my animals. Flies and mosquitoes keep their distance as well. Thank you, God Bless, and please keep up the good work!

Shiela Miller, Oklahoma

Real Letters Bug Off Garlic granules for Dogs 2012 Stokes S
Sandy & Chris with a few of their gorgeous, attentive, bug-free Labradors.

No Problems With "... Fleas, Ticks, or Mosquitoes."

Dear Springtime,

As the breeder of Labrador Retrievers I look for the best in health and nutrition for my dogs. I prefer to raise my Labradors as naturally as possible and avoid topical applications and oral medications for pest control. Bug Off Garlic granules is a wonderful product. Since adding Bug Off Garlic to my Labradors' diet, I do not have problems with fleas, ticks, or mosquitoes. Thank you, Springtime!

Sandy Stokes, West Virginia
Red Barn Ranch and Labradors, LLC.
Breeding & Training

Real Letters BOGD 2018 Weeks Tinetha
Bo, Duke and Max are tick and flea free!

Not One Flea or Tick!

Dear Springtime,

I've used Bug Off Garlic Granules for almost 10 years. Currently where we live, our neighbor on one side has 2 dogs and 9 cats, all flea infested. The neighbor on the other side has picked 2 ticks off her dogs, and I'm happy to say that we have not had one flea or tick on any of ours.

Our dogs are happy, healthy, and itch free thanks to Bug Off Garlic Granules. I've attached a photo of our dogs (L to R) Bo Cephus, Duke, and Max. Bo has been taking Bug Off Garlic Granules for 10 years!

Thank you!!

Tinetha Weeks, Michigan